We have hammered the ringing rocks in Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania. When struck, these rocks chime like bells. If, however, you take one of these stones out of the rock field, it no longer rings. It needs other stones to make its song. Likewise, as Christians, we need other minstrels to make our music.
We are called to be singing rocks–like Hopkins’ stones that are “tumbled over rim in roundy wells.” The tumbling polishes us until we shimmer with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
In this broken world, God’s people get pounded. The chiseling sculpts us into the image of Christ our Rock, and we ring out God’s praises because, even in the pounding, God is giving us “bread, not stones” (Matthew 7:9).