Instructed and Inspired

We had planned to go to eSwatini in May to encourage an American missionary couple and the Eswatini Deaf Church. Our aim was to teach leaders of the Deaf church how to present a summary of Romans 1-8, so they could use their skill in Swazi Sign Language to teach at the Deaf church and


Before, I saw hope as glass baubles    blown to wish-bone fragility,    then iced in the winging snow; Crystalled strands    dangling–    until,       frayed by untamed winds,      or snapped, splintered,             by stabs of light,    they scattered, splattered–       jagged, tattered tears. Now I know hope    as that fierce and holy    stubbornness    that glimpses        the rainbow       refracted      by the

Million Dollar Melissa

In a radical break from the medieval distinction between the sacred and the secular, the Protestant Reformation dignified all honest work. I love this video, which is filled with happy scenes from my city. And I love Melissa, who appears at 3 minutes 12 seconds into the film.  Melissa literally follows the Reformation call to