Prepare Him Room

We once had surprise visitors and went through our monthly food budget in one week. Martha understands the way unscheduled visits can bring pressure. Imagine instead a visitor who provides food for you. After losing her husband and sons in a foreign land, Naomi heard the Lord had visited his people and given them food.

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

The scandal of the incarnation started before Jesus was born, when his unmarried mother was pregnant. Then the God-become-baby was laid in a feeding trough in a fusty animal stall. The God whose power is unbounded became an infant bound in swaddling cloths. The God who makes the riches of his glory known to us,

A God Who Became Vulnerable

There are motivational posters highlighting vulnerability. For the most part, they feature words, like “Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness,” but few have pictures. There is one with a fluffy baby plover and the juxtaposed caption, “Vulnerability makes me powerful.” Another, inexplicably, features towering mountains, some of the least vulnerable of earth’s landforms.  When