Not Chosen, but Chosen

Barsabbas recently captured my imagination. What would it have been like to have been one of two people put forward as the apostolic replacement for Judas but not to be the one who was chosen?  It’s easy to think that, back then, people didn’t indulge petty jealousy. Scripture, however—from Cain to Corinthians—indicates otherwise. Barsabbas was

Good Advice

Stasie pointed out that, when I swam, I didn’t pull my arm all the way through, but brought my hand up too soon for the next stroke. I grew up in the era before swim goggles and couldn’t stand the feel of them, but Ed urged me to protect my eyes. Following their advice for

Pressing On

We saw a film about a group that climbed Mount Everest. They had to guard against ice towers that tumbled without warning, coughing spells that cracked ribs, and freezing hurricane-force winds. They had to react instantly to the slightest faltering to keep themselves from hurtling down icy slopes. We need that kind of vigilance as


Photo by Chuck Snyder Just before her ninety-ninth birthday, I asked Rose Marie Miller about her enthusiasm for life. I wish I had recorded her exact answer, but the gist of it was: “Some days it’s there. Some days it’s not. Everyday my life is in God’s hands.” Her words echoed Philippians 2:18-24: I know