- Prepare Him Roomby Chuck & NancyWe once had surprise visitors and went through our monthly food budget in one week. Martha understands the way unscheduled visits can bring pressure. Imagine instead a visitor who provides food for you. After losing her husband and sons in a foreign land, Naomi heard the Lord had visited his people and given them food.…
- O Lord, Our Lordby Chuck & Nancy
- O Come, Let Us Adore Himby Chuck & NancyThe scandal of the incarnation started before Jesus was born, when his unmarried mother was pregnant. Then the God-become-baby was laid in a feeding trough in a fusty animal stall. The God whose power is unbounded became an infant bound in swaddling cloths. The God who makes the riches of his glory known to us,…
- A God Who Became Vulnerableby Chuck & NancyThere are motivational posters highlighting vulnerability. For the most part, they feature words, like “Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness,” but few have pictures. There is one with a fluffy baby plover and the juxtaposed caption, “Vulnerability makes me powerful.” Another, inexplicably, features towering mountains, some of the least vulnerable of earth’s landforms. When…
- Eternal Happinessby Chuck & NancyThese works of art remind us that our marriage is also a picture—a picture of Christ and the church: Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,so that he might present the church…
- Fruit That Abidesby Chuck & NancyIn 1990, moved by the Deaf participants who attended one of Ligonier Ministry’s regional conferences, R.C. Sproul made a commitment that set his staff spinning. Dr. Sproul promised that, within a year, some of his teaching resources would be available in ASL. Michael Beates, who had gone to the seminary where Chuck had interpreted for…