Nancy heard about Jesus in 1970, determined to follow his every command, failed to do so, and collapsed on Christ alone a decade later. When Chuck was arrested, at age fifteen, for breaking and entering and grand larceny, God began working in Chuck’s conscience. During his three-year probation, Chuck wrestled with guilt and had nightmares about getting caught, until someone said, “Did you know that Jesus Christ can take away your guilt?” The rebel became a son. Two weeks later, because he had completed the terms of his probation, Chuck returned to court where his criminal record was destroyed—a picture of what God had recently done in heaven. In the economy of God’s grace, Chuck and Nancy were bought with a price.
A week after their wedding, Chuck and Nancy were responsible for twenty-five Deaf teenagers. Their pastor, Jack Miller, welcomed a Deaf ministry, so a calling was born. In the economy of God’s grace, Chuck and Nancy were loaned to a people group.
For more than four decades, ministry partners have supported Chuck and Nancy’s work in the Deaf world. In the economy of God’s grace, Chuck and Nancy were backed by prayer.