Our plane was scheduled to leave at 7 PM. Our gate agent said our takeoff would be delayed, then invited us to gather around the windows to honor the fallen soldier whose body had been flown home on our plane.

Military vehicles arrived. Military personnel gathered solemnly. The United States Army Honor Guard stood at attention. Baggage handlers, pilots, and ticket agents circled around. Carloads of family members arrived. Airport police stood, feet spread apart, hands behind their backs. The Honor Guard saluted as the flag-covered casket moved slowly down the ramp from the plane.

We could not hear the words that were said at the tarmac honor service, but I am sure it included this phrase: “All gave some, some gave all.”

There were plenty of tears from onlookers in the airport as we watched as a grieving wife and mother, her children, and a host of others who loved this fallen soldier.

After giving the family members unhurried time, the honor guard marched to the casket. With exact precision they saluted, picked up the casket, marched it to the hearse, nestled it in the vehicle, saluted again, and closed the vehicle.

I have never seen such a display of people outdoing one another in showing honor. Oh, that we would much more honor Christ as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks the reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15). 

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